I like to push the limitations. I really like developing innovative, fresh, useful style for the web and other electronic resources.I would represent "Design and Development" in a easy feeling as my passion. It is something that I appreciate being engaged with in many different factors. It keeps me motivated, it keeps me going, it is something i see myself being engaged in for years.It's something I do before going to bed, and something I can't delay to do in the day.....

My Story (short & sweet)

I first had a foretaste of school when I was six years old. Going to school as a preschooler was one of the most exciting moments in my life. To these days, the memories still linger in my mind always worth reminiscing. Full of youthful vigor, I enjoyed school not because of the lessons but the frolics and fun games just like most of the kids. And on my teenage years, mischievous enough, I don't even close my eyes every time we prayed, always in a hurry to go home. As soon as I heard the sound of the bell, I hurriedly went out of the room without minding to take note of our homework. I made extreme excuses when I take vacations just to catch the latest Batman series amidst school. Despite all these, there is one spot that I excel. I have inclination towards visual arts, which has given me a lot of admirations and citations. Hence, from then on, I focused my attention to this passion. My journey is continuous checking out new levels of styles, difficulties and enhancements everyday.....

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